Hype Around Net Neutrality

Lately as I have been browsing through social media, I keep seeing the mention of net neutrality. On Instagram lots of large account have been posting about it, and it is also mentioned quite a lot in the featured Snapchat stories. This has led me to wonder more about what net neutrality is and why it's such a big deal right now.
On Snapchat, I have read a little bit about it but not enough to fully understand it. Essentially what net neutrality ensures is that internet service providers give all sites equal speeds and don't favor certain sites over others. It seems as if this would be fair, but arguably some sites with more traffic might benefit from faster speeds. This has stirred quite a controversy, because the changes in net neutrality could somehow cost users money. Because I didn't fully understand this I decided to do some research, because it seems as if this whole net neutrality thing could affect me directly.
A quick google search led me to some findings, I read this article Here to get the details. Apparently net neutrality is the status quo and is the internet as we know it. Without net neutrality the service providers could censor and control basically everything on the internet, the internet would no longer be the internet as we know it. This could also inhibit things such as free speech. This could be very bad for communities such as LGBT who rely on the internet to spread their messages, however certain sites could become victimized by this new law.
The reason there is so much hype around net neutrality is because the vote to repeal it is tomorrow, December 14. Millions of people have resisted and been quite vocal about not wanting to change and to keep net neutrality and #savetheinternet


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    1. I don't understand how Net Neutrality was removed because the majority of people support it in both political parties. This seems to be a case in which the one percenters are actually in full control. Very few people benefit from the removal of net neutrality that I am shocked that those that do benefit from it successfully appealed it.

    2. The reason net neutrality could be removed without any popular support is that it wasn't actually a law, merely a federal regulation. Congress didn't vote on the matter; the decision to repeal it was made by the five commissioners of the Federal Communications Commission.


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