Media Reflection

Media undoubtedly is a big part of everyday life. While I was aware that I consume a lot of media everyday, this media unit has helped me realize that it is so much more than what I thought. Everyday I use my phone for at least an hour, probably more to communicate with friends or family when I'm not with them. Also when I have nothing to do I instinctively check my phone and scroll through Instagram or the stories on my Snapchat. The impact here is that my perception of other people's lives and of the world in general is shaped off of media. However I have come to realize that everything in the media is specially crafted for its viewers which means that many of the things I see about other people are artificial. When I view any sort of advertisement it is quite easy to pick out what the advertisers are trying to say about me, often times it is not true or convincing. But even though my perception of media has changed, I still consume it regularly. Now that I am aware of the filters on everything on media, I find it much less credible. I don’t believe everything I see or hear from media, but because I have no alternative source for any news, I am forced to depend on it like I have in the past. It is important to have media literacy because understanding the bits and pieces involved in media makes it easier to pick apart the messages that are truly being sent. Without being well educated about media and the ways that it manipulates what is displayed, it is easy to be deceived by news advertising and other messages that have been tampered with. In addition being an educated consumer is quite similar, if you understand the ways advertisers are trying to make it seem like your life sucks, you can brush it off and feel better and not waste money on things that are not at all necessary. Although it is easy to learn and have “media literacy” applying it is much more difficult. When watching an advertisement my first thoughts aren’t to pick it apart, it is just to watch the advertisement. Keeping this media journal has reminded me to pay attention to media with a more keen eye, and that makes me notice more about what media is telling me. Another important aspect of this media unit is the education it gives about the portrayal of different types of people. I will now make more of an effort to have my expectations of others less influenced by the ideals shown on media.
